When we selected Irular colony village as our adopted village to transform through the local church, people were afraid to come close to us as they thought we are high caste and the are low caste and they cannot come closer to us. It took few months to get closer to them. Once while we were doing a construction project, we bought some food from the local restaurant and started eating. Then I noticed this girl, Rajeswari, standing little far watching us taking Lunch. I called her and asked her whether she had Lunch. She said no. I asked her again, what about breakfast she said no. What about yesterday dinner, she said no. Then she said she eats once in a day and she ate only in the previous morning. Today she is waiting for her mother to come from the close by town where her mother is cleaning the utensils for a restaurant. She used to bring the left out food for her 6 children. Rajeswari father died when she was an infant. Then I gave her our food, because she was hungry, she ate two of our lunch.
I asked her what are you doing? she said she is going with her sister to shepherd the goats. I asked her why don’t you go to school, she said her mother don’t have money to send her but she said she is interested in going to school. She was 9 year old then. We took initiative to send Rajeswari and other children from the community for the first time in their history to go to the close by English medium school in Kalavai. Within few months she picked up the studies and that started changing the way she keeps her body clean, the way she talks and the way she relates. Now she is studying third standard she is studying the word of God, praying and helping other little girls in her community. I was amazed to hear her praying, she speaks to God, like, He is standing by her. She is so healthy and happy now.
Today we have changed the lives of 16 children by providing education. We also provide noon meals to these children. We also have after school program in which we help them in their studies, teach bible and provide evening tiffin. This has helped them to be healthy. Now they are influencing their parents to keep their homes clean, and teach them good habits. Parents are thrilled to see the changes taking place in their little children. Now they have a hope, that their children would live a better life.
I love this story - and miss those kids!
Posted by: Dale | October 23, 2012 at 06:36 PM
Great story of a Girl. Rare Girls or boys get this good things.
Posted by: Top International Schools in India | November 09, 2012 at 01:51 AM